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  • Foto del escritorBea Fdez

I finished high what?

While some adults still struggle with the idea of an uncertain future, it is really common that teenagers stress about this topic too. That is why today I will be giving you some advices regarding your future. First advice: breath in and out. Ready? Here we go.

First of all, let me tell you this loud and clear: you do not have to be 100% sure about your decisions all the time. Something that we do all the time and it is not really helpful is pressuring our kids or teenagers into having every single thing about their lives figure out. You do not have to know what you want to do with your life when you finish high school, it is perfectly normal to have doubts or fears. Leaving high school and starting your "adult life" is a scary feeling, so don't stress too much thinking that if you aren't 100% sure about your decision is because it is less valid than someone else's.

Repeat after me: it's all right if I make mistakes. You are learning, you are discovering life and getting to know yourself. It's fine if you thought you wanted to dedicate your life to something and then you found out that you didn't really like that thing and wanted to switch careers. Almost too often we think that if we start a degree, we have to finish it even if we don't like it anymore. Why would you do that? Why would you waste time of your life doing something you are not passionate about? It is okay if you make a mistake, it is okay if you regret a decision you made and want to correct it. Do it.

Get to know yourself. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones that know what they want to do with their lives since they were kids, or maybe you aren't, and it is fine. You don't have to start a degree or start working right after you finish high school, maybe you need to explore new things and get to know yourself to be sure what you want to do with your future. If that is the case, do it.

Life is too short to stress over things that can be solved, or over what other people say or think. Do what makes YOU happy, think about what you would your life to be and do not be afraid of making mistakes because that will make you learn. Follow your heart, be kind and do what makes you happy, that is my advice for you this week.

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