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  • Foto del escritorBea Fdez


September has always felt like an ending and a beginning at the same time. It feels like starting a whole new year, the beginning of a whole new life. I never liked September for this particular reason, I have never been a fan of ending things and having to start new ones.

This summer was probably the worst one I have ever lived, I had to say goodbye to lots of different things that I never thought I would ever have to live without. I had to reinvent and readapt myself to a new reality, something that I, to be quite honest, was never good at.

I found myself surrounded by so much love from my family and my friends that, even though I had my heart completely shattered, it was impossible for me to be sad. I found happiness and peace in one of the worst moments of my life, I felt so loved that the only thing I could do was to invest all that love into getting something good out of it. That is why I decided to make the most out of every day, to enjoy every moment like it was the last one and to love myself the way my loved ones were doing.

I learnt that every ending has a new beginning, and it doesn't have to be something bad or sad, it can be exciting and maybe just what you needed but didn't know. This summer was my ending, but this master is my beginning, this is what I was looking forward to the whole summer.

And, just remember, if today didn't go as planned, the day will end and the Sun will shine again tomorrow.

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